Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Voodoo Man

A while back the former Mystery Science Theater 3000 guys at RiffTrax managed to locate a copy of the once-thought-lost Béla Lugosi film Voodoo Man. Naturally, because it's what they do, they made fun of it, but on the DVD you can watch the movie with or without riffs.

The Other Draculas

Carlos Villarías as Conde Drácula in Drácula (1931)

Saturday, October 5, 2013


This blog will be primarily a visual archive dedicated to Béla Lugosi, but in October it will be dedicated to turning Béla's birthday (October 20) into an internationally recognized holiday known as Talk Like a Transylvanian Day. Here's the introductory video I created several years ago:

Please join me in keeping the Lugosi legacy alive.